Tag Archives: Mobile

【Indonesia】Mobile gaming, the second chance in Indonesia

During the economy growth past 5 years were impacted also in digital penetration. Indonesian people are more invested in higher tech gadget these past years which impacted in the usage of internet and mobile apps while the growth significantly increase year-by-year.

Continue reading 【Indonesia】Mobile gaming, the second chance in Indonesia

Mobile Games in Indonesia

One phrase “Mobile is huge in Indonesia”. These statement already been told by either giants Google and Facebook for Indonesia. The internet population achieve 30% from total population this year with growth of average 15% each year. And mobile is 80% from the internet population. Could you imagine that!

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Use Photos to Reach Out to Hong Kong Instragrammers

Along with growing mobile phone penetration, social networking services are beginning to rise in importance too. This article will look at the Instagram, a popular app among Hong Kongers.

Instagram started to gain popularity a few years ago. Most users of Facebook are likely to be found on Instagram too, as posting on Instagram would reflect on the users’ Facebook wall.


Hashtag reading #HongKongCulinary

What kind of posts are Hong Kongers posting on Instagram? One kind would be pictures of food.
Before digging into their meals, it is now part of popular culture for Hong Kongers to take photos of their food first.

I use Instagram too. As a user, to post on Instagram is similar to the idea of living a fulfiling life. When I eat out with my friends, everyone will be sure to take photos of all the dishes. Beyond food, we also post photos of friends, family, travel experiences etc.

Hashtag reading #HongKongPurchase

On the other hand, it is popular for Hong Kongers to shop on Instagram. Cosmetics from Japan and Korea, Western branded clothing, and snacks are just some examples that are available for purchase on Instagram.

Hong Kong celebrities and artistes also use Instagram. Not only does it allow them to be closer with their fans, they are able to release new infomation about their own works to their fans directly.

How do we let others find our own posts? That is through Instagram’s hashtags. Whatever posts you upload, be sure to use hashtags to allow others to discovery your post. Using hashtags well will become promotion for your shop or yourself.

For all the reasons above, why not give Instagram a try? It is easy to upload your photo posts, and allows you to connect with your friends and other users around the world.

Hong Kong Correspondent

Instagram and Singapore Are Still In The Early Stages of Dating

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the free photo sharing application Instagram has hit 400 million users worldwide. This news came in late September, and has been picked up by blogs and news sites alike. This is wonderful news for its owner Facebook, as Instagram is showing steady growth and developing opportunities. But is this news big enough to put a dent in the social networking and business world, or even impact Singapore’s social network landscape?

Continue reading Instagram and Singapore Are Still In The Early Stages of Dating

Food, Glorious Food, and the Top Apps in Taiwan

There are more than 1.43 million apps offered in Google Play (app store for Android phones), and I will share the top 3 types that are the most popular among the Taiwanese today.

1. Chat Apps – Featured: LINE

LINE has an overwhelming popularity in Taiwan
LINE has an overwhelming popularity in Taiwan. With an unlimited internet access, users can send messages to their heart’s content with the least expenditure. Taiwanese can also make free phone calls, have an access to a plethora of stickers, and chat groups involving any number of people. This makes LINE highly convenient to use. On top of that, LINE is not only used for personal means. Businesses conferences, customer services etc are also using LINE as a medium.

2. Recipe Apps

Recipe apps are popular among Taiwanese students and OLs
Not just among the housewives, recipe apps have also gained popularity among the students and female white-collar workers. The reason behind its popularity is partly because of the expensive eat-out alternatives, and also because of a health-conscious lifestyle. In fact, there had been problems with food ingredients safety this year, with many cases of problems with eating out. This has raised concerns about food safety, and the economical cooking culture has begun to take root in Taiwan.

3. Restaurant Review Apps

Eating Out is a big thing in Taiwan
Yet, while eating-in is gaining popularity, Taiwan has not broken away from its eating-out culture. Thus eatery applications retain their own popularity, apps that show restaurant menus, reviews, offer booking services, and show vicinity searches for nearby restaurants. It has becomed the norm for anyone with internet access to check the reviews of a prospective restaurant.

These are the top apps that will prove to be most convenient for visitors to Taiwan, be sure to give them a try when you are here!

Taiwan Correspondent

Every Thai will Have a Smartphone by 2019! The Reasons Examined

It is already well known that Singapore and Hong Kong have an over 85% mobile penetration rate. But did you know that there is another country that is expected to achieve 100% penetration rate in the next four years?

That, is Thailand.

Global information company Nielsen N.V. predicts that Thailand will achieve 100% withing the following four years, because of the following reasons:

1. Prices are promulgating towards the cheap end;
2. There are numerous attractive data plans; and
3. Rising trends of free calls through the internet.

Smartphone penetration was 58% in 2015, a 9% increase from 49% in 2014.

Delving into the categories of mobile users:

* 16 – 34 years old: Most of them own a mobile phone.
* 35 years old: Penetration rate above 42%
* Wealthy users: Owners various mobile devices, and desiring available new models.

What do Thais use their mobile phones for? And for how long in a day?

* Mobile calls – 94 min
* Apps – 62 min
* Entertainment – 54 min
* Website viewing – 14 min
* Mobile maintenance – 8 min

This means the average Thai use his or her mobile phone for about 4 hours daily!

Now then, a look at the most popular apps being used:

1. LINE – free calls, chat
2. Facebook
3. BeeTalk – chat
4. YouTube – video viewing

The smartphone is an integral part of the Thai people’s lives, and the smartphone market is changing accordingly to the consumers’ behaviors.

3 most popular mobile apps in Malaysia


Looking at your phone screen, there’s no shortage of great mobile applications, either free or paid waiting at your fingertips to be installed. Technology has evolved our lives together with the impact of the internet, and is definitely not the same as 50 years ago. Mobile devices can be considered as the pen and paper of our time. Even 2 years old kids can now play mobile games before learning their ABCs! Forgetting your phone might as well be forgetting your wallet. Certain apps have becomed essential, and you use them every day, and everyone knows their names. Here are 3 of Malaysian favourite apps, although all of it fall under Social Networking Sites.

  • Whatsapp 

Sending pictures, free calls and instant messages all of this can be done without charges through Whatsapp. The only requirement for it is connectivity. Using a phone number as its unique user identifier, people of all ages have been using Whatsapp as their choice communication medium. “Free and Fast” is the key factor that make it most popular.

  • Facebook 

If you didn’t know what is Facebook, gosh! You might be classified as an ancient fossil! The applications for Facebook is almost infinite. Acting as a medium of communication, publicity, business, media, and many more ranging from important to mundane can be done using Facebook! However, many Malaysians felt that the standalone Facebook Messenger app was unnecessary. That doesn’t make it a bad app, or not useful in its own way. Facebook is very good for family photos and videos, personal updates, chronicling life changes, and sharing interesting links.

  • Twitter 

Who says only birds can tweet, nowadays even human do tweeting! Yes! Twitter is a powerful social media. Instant news, site updates, breaking news, and quick links are just some of the many of the wonders of Twitter. Working late at night and not able to watch your favourite football team? Open your Twitter, get real time updates, and you’ll be able to get the results of the match in the blink of an eye. As one Community writer puts it, “Twitter does its best work five minutes after a disaster, and its worst in the twelve hours after that.” Some even said that your Twitter is your personal reflections. You need to be careful with that!

Technology is changing every second. Today’s most popular might become obsolete tomorrow, or worst, like it never existed before. Still, despite of the apps’ advantages and weaknesses, to be able to communicate with our loved one is definitely something that we cherished.

Malaysia correspondent